b'ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTMoving ForwardDistribution: Valdosta-Lowndes County is home to multiple distribution centers, including Home Depot RDC, Lowes Home Center, and Dillards Distribution Center.PHOTO CONTRIBUTEDValdosta Ranked in Top10of U.S. Metros for Job RecoveryThe Valdosta metro area outpaced communities across the U.S. inproducts quickly and efficiently, Schruijer said. Because of our job recovery. Business Facilities named metro Valdosta in the Topstrong logistics hub, work continued throughout the pandemic, 10 for positive job growth from February to November 2020, basedand some of our industries experienced higher production on U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data.demands.In the 17th Annual Rankings Report, metro Valdostawhich includesValdosta-Lowndes County is home to multiple distribution Lowndes, Brooks, Echols, and Lanier countieswas ranked No. 9 outcenters, including Lowes Home Center, Home Depot RDC, and of approximately 30 U.S. cities that experienced job growth duringDillards Distribution Center.the coronavirus pandemic. Approximately 400 U.S. metro areas were reviewed and evaluated based on the largest percentage gainA region with a robust food processing networkwhich includes in total employment. South Georgia Pecan, Sunset Farm Foods, Martins Famous Pastry Shoppe, Inc., and Archer Daniels MidlandValdosta-During the 10-month period, Valdostas employment growth isLowndes County was positioned for job recovery during the attributed to the communitys diverse mix of industries. pandemic.Our key industries include advanced manufacturing, distributionFood processing is another industry that never stopped during and logistics, and food processing, said Andrea Schruijer, executivethe pandemic, Schruijer said. Our food manufacturers played a director of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authorityvital role in keeping grocery store shelves filled.(VLCDA). These were considered essential during the pandemic and saw employment gains. Despite the pandemic in 2020, Valdosta-Lowndes County scored 13 industry projectsboth new and existing expansionsAccording to 2020 BLS data, during the 10-month evaluation period,representing $31 million capital investments and 215 new jobs.distribution and logistics had the largest increase with 267 new jobs and food processing with 50 added jobs. Schruijer said the job recovery continues on a positive upward trend. Already this year, the VLCDA has successfully completed sixValdostas logistical infrastructure and supply chain networkindustry projects, representing $92 million in capital investments provide a competitive advantage in helping businesses move theirand approximately 200 jobs.64 SG MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2021'