b'BAINBRIDGECONTRIBUTEDBoutique Hotel: The Willis Park Hotel in Downtown Bainbridge offers guests a unique overnight experience. On the hotels second floor is the Caf Sinclair offering scratch pastries and light meals.Bursting with southern charm, Bainbridge is aA couple of doors down is Southern Philosophy picturesque community with tree-lined streetsBrewing, a brewpub specializing in art-crafted and historic homes.beers, cocktails, wood-fired pizzas, salads, and Having both the Flint River and Lake Seminole,charcuterie boards. Bainbridge has been recognized as the BassDowntown Bainbridge recently welcomed The Capital of Georgia for its multiple professionalWillis Park Hotel, a boutique-style hotel with six and amateur fishing tournaments held each year. stylized rooms, each offering a unique overnight Launch your boat into the Flint River from theexperience. The historic space is located on the Earle May Boat Basin, including a walking trail,town square with a balcony providing the best picnic pavilion, and overnight camping area. views of Willis Park.A must-see in Bainbridge is Willis Park, aOn the hotels second floor is Caf Sinclair, charming garden-style park at the center of theoffering al fresco dining on the balcony. The historic downtown district.caf is primarily open during breakfast and lunch and the perfect spot for special events Celebrate the citys culinary flair at Thein the evening. A great gathering place for American, located in the downtown square. Thethe community and perfect for visitors to menu offers seafood, beef, and poultry and aBainbridge, Caf Sinclairs menu features Lucky diverse selection of specialty dishes that give aGoat Coffee from nearby Tallahassee, scratch twist to some southern classics. Case in point,pastries, cakes, macarons, sandwiches, and Georgias 100 Plates Locals Love named Thesalads. For the health-conscious, wheatgrass Americans Heirloom Tomato Pie to its covetedshots and cold-pressed vegetable and fruit list of food favorites. Made in a cast iron skillet,juices.the pie features blended cheeses and heirloom tomatoes baked in a flakey crust. visitbainbridgega.comdowntownbainbridgega.com44 SG MAGAZINE | SUMMER 2021'