Throughout 2017, with every symbolic turn of the dirt and cut of the ribbon, communities across South Georgia welcomed new industries and celebrated the expansion of existing ones.
Brooks County Development Authority
In March 2017, the Brooks County Development Authority announced that Aviagen, a leading broiler breeding company, will create 100 jobs and invest approximately $18 million in a new facility in Quitman.
Cook County Economic Development Commission
In January 2017, the Cook County Economic Development Commission announced construction of the Linde Group’s atmospheric gases plant in Cook County. The estimated $40 million project will create 35 new jobs in the region. In addition, 60 new jobs will be created in Cook County with the addition of a TransPower facility in Lenox.
Douglas-Coffee County Economic Development Authority
The Douglas-Coffee County Economic Development Authority announced the expansion of Elixir Extrusions, which will create 100 new jobs and represent and $8 million investment. In April, Coffee County celebrated a $14 million investment by Premium Peanuts, which is expected to create 80 new jobs.

Moultrie-Colquitt County Development Authority
The Moultrie-Colquitt County Development Authority announced approximately $60.5 million in industry expansion projects for 2017:
Broadleaf Trucking
(Approximately eight new jobs, $2.5 million capital investment)
Canfour Southern Pine
(Approximately 10 new jobs, $28 million capital investment)
National Beef Packing Company
(Approximately 1oo new jobs, $30 million capital investment)
Tifton-Tift County Chamber of Commerce
The Tifton-Tift County Chamber of Commerce welcomed International Paper Converters and announced several expansion projects in 2017:
Air Evac
(Approximately 15 new jobs)
American Textile
($20 million capital investment)
Atlantic Southern
Averitt Express
(Approximately 15 new jobs)
International Paper Converters
(Approximately 25 new jobs)
Piedmont National
(Approximately 30 new jobs)
Tire Distributors of Georgia
(Approximately 30 new jobs, $3 million capital investment)
Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority
The Valdosta-Lowndes County Development announced 11 manufacturing expansion projects in 2017, representing $63.3 million in capital investment and 220 new jobs to the area. The top projects include:
American Drill Bushing
(Approximately 35 new jobs, $4 million capital investment)
Hunt Industries
(Approximately 30 new jobs, $5 million capital investment)
Martin’s Famous Pastry Shoppe, Inc.
(Approximately 36 new jobs, multi-million capital investment)
(Approximately 30 new jobs, $3.2 million capital investment)